Friday, November 13, 2009

Did George W Bush really say the constitution was "just goddamn paper"?

Complete liberal hogwash

Did George W Bush really say the constitution was "just goddamn paper"?
It's a well known fact he did. There were over 8 people in the room who have confirmed then denied it a few days later. Really that doesn't me half as much as the fact that he always claims god made him attack countries and such
Reply:I believe the exact quote was "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"
Reply:This was reported by Doug Thompson of the paper 'Capitol Hill Blue,' which a decidedly left-leaning paper. According to the article, several members of the GOP went to talk to the President about some provisions of the Patriot Act that they thought should be repealed because they violated the Constitution, and Bush got angry and said that as Commander-in-Chief, it should be done 'his way' and that they should stop "throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamn piece of paper."

The text of the original article said that Thompson got this reported to him from people who talked to people who were at the meeting. Later revisions indicate that Thompson went to speak to the attendees directly. "I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution 'a goddamned piece of paper.'

These sources were not named, since to do so would certainly get them fired.

So it all comes down to this. Do you trust Doug Thompson?
Reply:Yes, I heard him.
Reply:Please get a life.
Reply:No; that was both of the Clintoons...
Reply:If he did, he had to have been referring to this "precious" Habeas Corpus red herring the liberals keep yakking about! LOL!!

Ask liberal attorneys to explain the truth of this to you (if they will).
Reply:It sounds like something that born-again hypocrite would say.
Reply:The ONLY place this is actually "quoted" is in an extremist leftist online site. It is not supported or mentioned by any legitimate news site on the web.
Reply:This question has been answered hundreds of times...... The answer is NO, some reporters made it up...The Capitol Blue ,which printed the piece had to retract it..
Reply:I don't know. but I believe that is true.

Have you read it?

It doesn't even resemble the government we have now.

All Alphabet agencies not even mentioned.

The last thing actually followed was that the House made the budget to be approved.

Somehow the president is doing that now.

Seriously READ IT! Not one blasted thing we do is correct.
Reply:The left so badly wishes this was true...
Reply:It sounds like something he would say.

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