Monday, November 16, 2009

Do You Like George W Bush Our President and Why?

Well just to let you know i am a Democrate and i despise Geroge Bush I dont like him I evenwrtoe a paper on Impeachment. About Impeaching him and Dick Cheney it was a debate. Fun So Bring it and Tell me Why you Like him or Hate Him. Bush is a polar person. You either Like him or you dont. No one really is both. :D

Do You Like George W Bush Our President and Why?
Well its not that I like him...I respect him.

He has a tough job. Its tough when you have a job and everyone expects you to make them happy.

George Bush is decisive. He is not wishy washy.

He does not make decisions based on opinion polls.

The War in Iraq sucks but you have to have a head strong leader. You cannot have a leader who flip flops.

Anyone will tell you...that they would rather disagree with a decisive leader than be led by an indecisive person.

If you listen the Hillary's, Obama's, and Edward's language they always point out the negatives. They try to exploit peoples emotions by using negative overtones. Most democrats speak this way. They use the doom and gloom tactic. That is not leadership. Don't take my word for it....see for yourself. I am not afraid for you to search out the truth on you own.

Ask yourself why you really dislike George Bush. You may find that your reasons are more emotional than logical.

BTW...the problems in the middle east...are not George Bush's fault...Those guys couldn't even get a long under the Clinton Administration...and Clinton was an appeaser.

The Middle East are full of irrational and emotional people. Don't judge George Bush based on the situation in the Middle East. Princess Diana or Mother Theresa could not unite that region.
Reply:Spiderman Rocks...

You open your question very open mindedly..and I applaud you for that. You have a trait that few of us have. Report It

Reply:"Ask yourself why you really dislike George Bush. You may find that your reasons are more emotional than logical."

I do find it very emotional that Bush has caused thousands of deaths with his oil finding mission. Report It

Reply:He's a puppet and a war monger and I find nothing human in his actions.
Reply:NO! I can not begin to tell you the list of reasons I dislike him. The only good thing he did was go into Afghanistan, and then he had to go and screw even that up.
Reply:Little sheep you are. I love him for each and every thing he has done for my country! Get a clue creaton!
Reply:No, I do not like or support GWB. Way too many reasons to list. I believe he has caused irrefutable damage to this great country and it's image.
Reply:yes , He has made Americans aware of how many loonies walk among us.


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