Monday, November 16, 2009

George Mcgovern wants Bush and Cheney impeached. But he doesn't want Democrats removed. Why?

On NPR yesterday George Macgovern (losing Democrat candidate for President years back) wants Congress to impeach Bush and Cheney. He wrote an OpEd piece in some paper stateing various reasons.

He sited various reasons for impeachment in an extended litany. He wants the current adminsitration impeached for the "good of the country". But he seemed to absolve members of Congress (especially Democrats) of any and all fault for failing to do so.

Because Congress has oversight on what the President and Vice President does, IF the President and Vice President have done wrong (I don't think anything they have done actually qualifies for impeachment. Poor judgement maybe.) why isn't he wanting the members of Congress removed for gullibility, complacency, complicity, or incompetance as well?

George Mcgovern wants Bush and Cheney impeached. But he doesn't want Democrats removed. Why?
cause he is a democrat
Reply:That's because the Bush administration is not effectively leading our country.
Reply:George is like every other Democrat that has lost..nothing to his own party..he couldn't even win his Senate seat back when he ran against James Abdnor in 1980 in South Dakota

he has lived in a MacArthur Blvd bungalow in NW DC ever since if he was giving Hemingway a run for his money
Reply:That's a pretty specious argument.

So Nixon's congress was complicit in Watergate by your standards?

EDIT; Wait, Nixon's congress wasn't complicit but somehow Bush's is? Come on man, the argument is silly. Even a kid knows he's not guilty if he saw his brother steal a cookie.
Reply:NPR? The only place to get a more slanted view of politics is Both of those sources have crazy weirdo garbage day in, day out.

If McGovern had an opinion that was worth something, he'd have been on a winning ticket back then, but goofy is goofy, even 30 years later.
Reply:let's face it , his glory days were the watergate years this is a common trait of those in their twilight years,to attemt to relive these times.
Reply:first of all, he was the Democrat-IC candidate for President, and he wasn't just a losing candidate. he was smarter than every Y!A contributor that's posted in the last 72 hours put together. his campaign was during the Watergate break-ins, mostly used to keep HIM from being elected. the very man he picked as VP on his ticket betrayed him to the traitor Bob Novak.

on impeachment: that requires a crime. the Dems in Congress haven't committed any crimes. they've failed to hold the administration accountable, and that's a tragedy, but not a crime.

the President and Vice President, however, have committed crimes. they have knowingly and with full intention lied to the American public in order to pursue a cause that would profit themselves and their friends. no administration has ever been worse for America than the current one, and they deserve to be imprisoned.
Reply:No bias there.

mobility scooter

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