Monday, November 16, 2009

Why does president Bush love war, death, and destruction?

A piece of paper will soon be placed on George Bush's desk in the Oval Office.

By picking up a pen and signing his name to it, he could end the war in Iraq.

The House and Senate united and passed a bill that would provide for our troops now and begin a redeployment from Iraq to bring them home.

We're just one signature away from ending the tragic mistake that has cut short thousands of American lives, cost tens of billions of dollars, and destroyed America's global moral leadership. But only if the president signs the bill.

Why does president Bush love war, death, and destruction?
I completely agree with you. Bush is the one that started this whole war and if he vetos this bill more people will be threatening to impeach him because they can't stand him even for one year! It is nice to know that there is someone else who feels the same way I do!
Reply:He probably doesn't necessarily love those things; he's indifferent to them because he's never experienced any of them. Never has he fought in a war or looked death in the face. And destruction has not been a part of his priviledged life. George Bush is just a figurehead for Conservatives. Dick Cheney has been running the White House from day one. George Bush wasn't smart enough. And Cheney is a manipulative, but intelligent, and greedy snake in the grass.
Reply:Simple, unlike you, the President of the United States of America, doesn't think the war is/was, or will be, a mistake.
Reply:bush did not start this war because he wants to see his people die. this war was necessary to ensure our safety. i am not pro-bush. but he is our president. those bastards killed thousands of our civilians and if we did not stand up we would be attacked again. we can not show weakness in situations such as these. the government may have gone about certain aspects of this war wrongly, but it is necessary. these people do not give up. they are crazed lunatics who will do anything in the name of their god to do "rightly". my brother joined the army shortly after 9/11. i have experienced that horrible feelings of having a loved one in this war. but i am proud to be american, i am proud of my brother, and mostly i am proud to be a part of one of the few countries that has the courage and honor to stand up against the evils of the world
Reply:He doesn't. Why do you post such inane, politically baited questions?
Reply:Veto, baby. Yes.....
Reply:As an american also who served 22yrs of my life

in the military to defend america, Bush is our

president who got himself into a situation under

an assumption, and now doesn't know how to get

out of it. Being the most powerful country in the

world does not make the country a winner, as Irag

is proof of that.
Reply:Ending a war does not make a problem go away.

prime minister Neville Chamberlain signed a pact with Adolf Hitler in 1938 and Hitler proceed to kill 11 millions jews, gypsies, and ethnic minorities that weren't true aryan.

We still have troops in Bosnia from Clinton's invasion in 1996..

The real problem still exists. Fanatical Islamo-Fascists, bent on destroying western culture.

Islam in it's self is innocuous as are most religions. In the teachings of the Koran as professed is that Sharia is the law they adhere too, Sharia law is a 8th century remnant that goes against societal norms. The "fanatical islamo-fascists" bent on world destruction believe that through Jihad the Messiah will come. Well, that said, people are people, I think a person can believe what they wish as long as their belief does not inhibit my ability to believe what I choose.

Islam has three tenants for dealing with non-muslims, Convert to islam, tax and enslave, or kill. While the majority of muslims don't feel this doctrine is valid, the islamo-fascists that are soon to enplace Sharia in Europe with have countless infidels to deal with..

I would recommend some reading before you give islam a pass, read Robert Spencer's book "The Political Incorrect Guide to Islam" and also see if you can get a copy of the DVD "Obsession" which is a very good documentary of radical islam and a must see for anyone who questions why some muslims are creating a very dangerous situation for this planet.

I've known people of all faiths, from Jew, Muslim, Christian Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, and each one have the view that their religion is the "only" correct one and "if only" people would see what they see the world would be a better place..

Here is a link to a must read article that is a glimpse of the future regarding Islam. It is a must read.. it's long but well worth the time.

What baffles me is that the supposed "peaceful" muslims and their clerics don't condemn these radicals for fear of reprisal, guess what by denying a problem exists won't make it go away. Muslim radicals killed 3000+ people in NYC and DC on 9/11/01, in my opinion the was is not on Terror, we need to call it what it is, you can't fight an ideology, you need to fight an enemy, radicals are the enemy, the direction their clerics preach is a global sharia under a new Caliphate (muslim pope)..

Do a google on Sharia, you will find many of the same things as you'd find in the Old testament book of Leviticus, while these "laws" were fine and dandy 2000 years ago, the social implications are not valid today.
Reply:Are you american?
Reply:I think Barb didn't treat him right as a child.
Reply:He doesn't.

Maybe you should take a hard look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what type of person makes the kinds of assumptions about other people like you just did.
Reply:He does not.

He is simply ignorant. He talks to his friend Bandar (a Sunni Ambassador from Saudi Arabia) who says that the Sunnis will be decimated if he leaves Iraq. Bandar and the Saudi's helped bail out his Bush's oil companies as well as did a lot of dealings with the Bush family for many years.
Reply:to answer your question-because he does not have his children in Iraq.
Reply:How could someone who takes the moniker "courage" lack so much of it? Setting aside your sophomoric comments about the President's character here is the short reason:

You may try to quit the war but the war won't quit you. Currently the battle against Islamic Jihad is in Iraq. Do you think that if we left Iraq tomorrow that the jihad would end? Radical Islam has sworn the destruction of the West. Putting our tail between our legs and leaving Iraq like a bunch of whipped dogs is not going to end this. It will only make it worse. George Bush understands this. Joe Lieberman understands this. Many others understand this. Sorry you and most liberal Democrats don't.
Reply:he does not care, he just loves his oil fortune.
Reply:The bill won't end the tragedy - unfortunately -because of the logistic of getting the troops home and the problems already caused by war and the short and long term repercussions - and the war will still be in the hearts and minds of many who have served
Reply:You people kill me with your childish views. Let me rattle your gray matter just a touch. It was the radical islamists who declared war on the US and west. They honestly believe that you should either be converted to their twisted and brain washed way of thinking, be enslaved, or put to death. They are also hell bent on killing every Jewish person on the planet. This is real. This is what they believe. This is what they will die for!

Saddam was a murderer, who killed tens of thousands of people who did not believe the same way he believed. The man actually used chemical weapons on the Kurdish people. He also did everything in his power to make the west think that he had chemical weapons, and possible nukes. He is the one who wanted to go to war with the US, to show his "greatness".

I get physically sick reading dribble like you have just written. Do you honestly believe that Bush was just wringing his hands together in giddy expectation of going to war and risk the lives of so many? How shallow are you really?

Let's not forget 911 when we were blind sided (again) by a foreign enemy. When the whole country was reeling with anguish and fear. If you had been the one to make the decisions that Bush had to make, would you blow off the information that you were receiving about what was going on in both Afghanistan and Iraq? I think not.

The president and troops need our support. They are defending the freedom that you have to express your naive thoughts. In the world according to would not be able to speak out like what you have done.....and live. Think about it!
Reply:but instead of signing he vows to veto the bill.

What a Jackass. I can't wait for the election.
Reply:I don't think he necessarily LOVES war, death, and destruction. I believe him when he says he wants to take the fight to the enemy rather than waiting to be attacked. They hate us and our religion, and our way of life. Many are polite, but they don't run the country. Many really DON'T like us. They have been indoctrinated to dislike us. We will have to deal with Islam for some time to come.

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