Friday, November 13, 2009

Why do Bush lovers always bring up the constitution? It's just a god damn piece of paper!!?

It's hilarious that most conservative responders don't know where the quote you gave came from.

Come on righties..... take a guess who called the constitution "just a god damn piece of paper."

OK, I'll even give you a hint.

His bestest buddies live in a palace in Saudi Arabia, and he's gotten very wealthy from his "poppy's" friends.

Why do Bush lovers always bring up the constitution? It's just a god damn piece of paper!!?
I believe this is a violation of yahoo policy with cursing.
Reply:Hey stupid, That's right stupid if you think that the constitution is "Just a piece of paper" That "piece of paper" is what protects your freedom to spout your commie socialist ideas. Why don't you go live in a country where you have no freedom of speech and then tell me it's just a piece of paper. What a fool
Reply:Where on Earth do you get the silly idea that the constitution is just a piece of paper???? What an idiotic idea. Are you daft????
Reply:Is it possible that you are a complete moron?
Reply:Spoken like a true democrat.

Just kidding, my best friends cousin is a democrat.

Just kidding again
Reply:May God save us from the bastards like you who have fought the American experiment since it's inception. You are an enemy to the very heart of American liberty. If we had lost the Revolution to people like you, the world would never have witnessed the industrial revolution, modern technology, or freedom of speech, etc. May you never vote or voice another opinion. Move to France. You make me ill.
Reply:it is the original laws on which we were founded, its tells the basic rights and lack of rights since the beginning of this country, unfortunately now people are interpreting it differently from eachother to get what they want. many o the problmes we have now are not issues the founding fathers would have thought of back then. thats why theres so much controversy over the constitution.
Reply:You clearly are a moron. With the Constitution which included the Bill of Rights when passed, you are guaranteed free speech, etc.

It is in the Declaration of Independance that states some of these rights which are unalienable and are "God given".

And idiots who want the protection and the right are the same people who deny that God exists who is the very being that you say gave you these rights.

Therefore with God, you have no rights!

Without these rights you wouldn't even be allowed to be a moron!
Reply:With that mentality, you make it apparent that you have no concept of the history or value of the constitution. Perhaps you should do a little research on the constitution and you find that that very "piece of paper" gives you the rights you have to day. If you are truly ignorant of the subject, educate yourself. However, if you are stupid that's another story!!
Reply:Oh, man. You are being ridiculous.
Reply:Why do you believe things the Liberals say?

According to the Liberals the rights of CHristians and Jews need to be restricted but the rights of Muslims need to be increased to a point that Non-Muslims are to be required to read Koran in the same Schools where Bibles and Torahs are to be banned.
Reply:What does that have to do with being a Bush lover? (btw-I'm not one them either)

It's not just a peice of paper.

That "piece of paper" articulates what this country stands for and what principles constitute our rule-of-law.
Reply:just as all contracts are.
Reply:It's not just a piece of paper!It's a peice of paper with words.
Reply:hahaha... nice question... it's kind of funny to watch them all hang themselves...
Reply:It's more than a peice of paper. The writings represent our freedom. We needed a piece of paper to write the down the laws. Laws are not written on air. They are written on paper.
Reply:It is just 'a god damn piece of paper' to people who have never read it or don't understand it.

I suggest you read it.
Reply:That is true, its also true that your brain is just Carbon (C), really poor quality carbon at that.
Reply:because Bush is incapable of thinking for himself.
Reply:Oh and the only reason you could write this without reprisal is that goddamned piece of paper.

Move to China or North Korea or even Iran and try it
Reply:yeah...who knows why bush lovers do ANYTHING THEY DO?!
Reply:Lol beats me
Reply:they closed there eye's and stuck there heads in the sand when he says that.IT never happened.
Reply:That's a good question since republicans all the way back to Lincoln have had total disregard for the constitution!
Reply:Yeah! Burn that goddamn thing! I mean who needs it OR the Bill of Rights!
Reply:You must be a fan of Air America. Ever consider finishing 6th grade?
Reply:If I were a bush hatter I'd be embarrassed by this question.
Reply:It is what our country is formed on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It tells the basic laws of our country. There is a reason that you can ask this question its called freedom of speech and it is from guess what the constitution!!!!!! Didn't you listen in Social Studies????????????????? God get a life!!!!??? You are a shame to the US. I maybe a fairly liberal democrat but that is past the line. In fact I despise Bush!!!!
Reply:thats real funny
Reply:i dont know, i guess they dont have n e thing better to do,personally i dont like bush i think we would have been better off with a democrat in office

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