Saturday, November 14, 2009

What part of illegal does Bush not understand?

Oh, I forgot, his entire administration is based on unconsitutional actions.

"Who cares about the Constitution. It's just a goddamned piece of paper."

- George W. Bush November, 2005

What part of illegal does Bush not understand?
Bush is a traitor and coward. He is betraying us all, and we ought to demand impeachment. This fits the high crimes and misdemenaners thing and I am sick of his thick headed arrogance and blatant attempt to hurt this country with the flood of invaders he calls good people, doing jobs no american would do. Bullcrap folks. I did all those jobs, bucking hay, picking peaches, harvesting rice, slaughtering animals, digging ditches and building houses. No american will do it eh? My younger brother still does that kind of work despite a college education. His wages are being driven down daily by these people, and they arent hurting anyone? Rubbish! Hospitals closing down in every region due to unpaid bills by illegals. Schgools with spaniosh immerson classes in my own neighborhood, and police who will not come and assist you the citizen if you are beiing assaulted or ripped off by an illegal. San Jose has an open policy of immediate forgiveness of any illegal who commits identity theft. they will not prosecute illegals for just about anything, and so I hold ROB Davis, San JOse Police Chief responsible. He should be fired isnstantly for refusing to do his job informly. How do I know this? My nerighor went through this, and I have spoken to the Cheif's liason about this. They refuse to do anything. Funny, al that hard labor no american would's what made a MAN out of me. They just want cheap slave labor, and they forget the lessons of history. Rome fell for this reason, and here we are in mid fall, and Nero continues to fiddle while Iran and N Korea build nukes and aim at us, and we are alone in the world without one real ally left. Even the brits have become craven and sniveling weaklings. Remember their hostages? Shameful to the extreme. When did we last deny our Market system to a country that wasnt with us?
Reply:Bush has a hard time speaking the English language. That might be one of the phrases that confuses him. But again, he is easily confused, isn't he?
Reply:You can't lay that illegal thing on Bush without also laying it on Congress. Regarding the unconstitutional actions; If that statement is factual, you should tell someone. However, if its just something you've heard your party say, you might want to refrain from repeating it 'cause it really makes you sound dumb.
Reply:It's bad enough, he broke the law. Its bad enough that he want us to accept people in who doesn't care about our immigration laws. What gets me, is now they want to give a visa to those who has a felony. I said it once, and I'll say it agains, If we start tolerating people who broke one law, It will cause us to accept other crimes too. I guess some people don'tunderstand the slippery slope analogy.
Reply:i am beginning to agree with you. I have supported bush in both his elections, but am sick of all of his bs right now. He has done a few good things, but overall im sick of him caring about other countries more than he does the usa. I swear, if he really cared about the security of this country, he wouldn't want to allow millions of illegals who we know nothing about to be here. why are we fighting a war on terror when they can just come across the border without any problems. and why do we have all of our rights and liberties taken away??? go figure

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