I live in spain and do not know any Americans, but from what I see on the TV and in the papers BUSH is trying his hardest to damage the gay community in America.
Does anyone have any views on this or any experiance of it?
BUSH. Has he damaged the gay community?
My very dear Young Man, what *hasn't* Idiot Boy damaged in America. To be fair, it isn't him per sea, it's his Rightwing ultra Religious cronies who put him there. When one has a president who claims that God tells him to go to war with another country red flags should have gone up right then and there. Any other common person would have been quietly taken off to Bellvue. I talk to God but we bake cookies for the children not go to war...difference? I think so.
Reply:He's screwing all of us, no matter our community -
In his defense, at least he doesn't discrimnate against any one group
Reply:When you hear about the gay community wanting to remove bush, it is only referring to shaving the pubic hair.
I don't think the bush damages the community as a whole, maybe just the few who spread crabs.
That explains the huge surge is shaved genitals in the past few years - everyone wants to remove bush.
All who want bush removed, shave your pubes! It's your chance to use your voice, young America!
Reply:THAT'S PRESIDENT BUSH TO YOU PAL! I like President Bush and I'm A Gay American. He gives those Muslims pure hell and those Muslims would kill us Queers if they had the opportunity.
President Bush doesn't think that we should be allowed to serve in the Military or be allowed to Marry, no big deal. He doesn't kill us.
Besides, I served in the Military, I just didn't tell
them that I'm Gay.
Reply:bush is an awful human being who should be hanged
Reply:Bush is just a nutter
Reply:i dont condone violence but dont beat about the BUSH
Reply:George W. Bush hasn't just damaged the gay community, he has badly damaged, shamed and turned the country upside down.
Reply:I think he is deffinetly damaging the gay community. There are so many Gays now that want to get married and can't!
I don't Have Anything at all against gays and their choices and nobody else should either.
Reply:He is without a doubt the worst world leader ever, America would be better off with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the president.
Reply:Not so much the gay community, I think,except by his judgemental "holier than thou" super Christian attitude. However, Bush has damaged the entire world, including the United States and the Middle East. It may take us 100 years to clean up his mess. If we ever do.
Reply:I thought Bush was a Matador in Spain.
Reply:He could only do that if he came out AS gay and admitted Blair is his ***** LOL
Reply:he has damaged everything else he has touched, so why not that too. He is the worst president we ever had in the history of America.
Reply:ABSOLUTELY NOT! Hes not damaging the gay community of America, hes damaging America...lol. But in all seriousness, he has made some good desicions, but none that help gays...actually, none that help anyone but himself, satan(dick cheney) and other rich polititians. Bush has screwed this country up beyond repair, he is a rascist asshole thats ***** people over, starts an unnessicary war, and shows that a "D" student can indeed get elected President. I thought Russia had a faulty goverment, until I came here. Sorry America, but waving your guns around and acting like a bully isnt working anymore.
Reply:I can't think of anything bush hasn't damaged.
Reply:He's to stupid to damage anything....he's just a puppet for other people within the american government.
Reply:Yes, Bush is a moron! He does not want people to be themselves. For me (I'm a girl), gays don't bother me one bit. They're not harming anyone by being who they are, so I don't see why Bush makes such a big deal out of it and is against gay marriage. I say just let them be who they are and leave them the hell alone! Let's worry about more important things, such as our health care system in America.
Reply:Bush does not like gay people. He does not want them to have the same rights as straight people. Which is ridiculous. And according to kanye, he doesnt like black people either.
Reply:yes he has as he has confused anti war lesbians
i heard them chant we hate bush! we hate bush!! on a rally
its a cheap laugh but hey i still found it amusing
Reply:If he has, that's one good thing he has done for humanity.
Reply:I live in Germany, but my impression is that he has not directly. At least not in far as the Office of the Presidency permits under law. Laws can be circumvented in courts of public opinion instead. A vote for Bush and any of his policies is a vote against your own best interests. As with all elected officials who won a seat, the majority of voters cast the ballot to get him where he is. Twice. It is they who are the danger, not GW.
Reply:Yes he has damaged the Gay community he is a bully with his own agenda and doesn't respect the views of the majority of Americans. He uses all his power to stop any progress in equal rights for Gay people. America is to blame for electing this idiot into office and they have had to pay for their mistakes. It's Karma.
I think Barbara Bush should take a Willow Branch and give him a good spanking.
Reply:No. What? Nothing in Spain going on for you to groan about?
Reply:Bush is just not a very good president at all enough said
Reply:Since when are we suppose to like it when Men pee on each other?
That is one of the man things that Gay Men do.
And loads of Liberal Democrats want a law to require everyone to like it, even if they find it vile and disgusting.
I do not wish harm on Gays, but I am not going to be forced to approve of the lifestyle either, and I will never support Gay Marriage.
By the way most Federal laws are enacted by Congress, only thing the President can do is sign or veto, but 2 3rds of Congress can override the veto.
And if Congress overrides the veto, the bill becomes law anyways.
Reply:Yes he is and it is the reason I voted for him!! Most of us in this country do not accept this life style and don't want gay marriages or rights. If we get a democrat in it will be one of their first accomplishments!
Reply:Gays are damaging the gay community.
Reply:I think jus bush damages the gay community but I still am very thankful for it.
Reply:If he is, I wish him good luck, I'm tired of these gays everywhere
Reply:Bush is Biblically correct. I am glad he is our President, even if he makes mistakes, he is only human. He is still a good man.
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