Saturday, November 14, 2009

If McCain is elected should I buy more toilet paper?

The value of the dollar is about half what it was before Bush took office. And toilet paper is about twice as expensive. Given that McCain is basically a Bush clone, is it a good idea to stockpile toilet paper, as this may retain more of its value than the US dollar?

If McCain is elected should I buy more toilet paper?
lol definately. I think it is funny too that within the next few weeks they are saying that the price of a barrell of gas( now this is from CNN) MAY double. Not go up for the upteenth time but double causing gas to be around 7.00/gallon

As well as gun sales going up with canned food items.

They are making it out to be like a worldwide riot is going to happen because of the prices of everything going up that people are stockpiling as many things as they can afford to right now incase it hits the fan....

Its rediculous
Reply:You might have the right idea. Actually though I don't give the $ a lot of hope no matter which idiot is elected. It absolutely amazes me how they can all say how they are going to cut taxes when the budget deficit just keeps going up and up. It is sort of a game of tell the electorate what the idiots think they want to hear, I hope. If they actually were to do 1/2 the things they have promised, you might want to buy a wheel barrow to haul your money to the market to buy a loaf of bread, assuming congress does not pass a bill mandating turning wheat into ethanol in the mean time.
Reply:Personally I'd be more concerned about the marxist / fascist economics of the demon-rat candidates. Their intent and statements would make this mortgage bubble hiccup look like boom times.

One telling sign is in the history of earmark spending of each of the presidential "hopefuls"

EarMarks - 2007

Hillary Clinton: 212 earmarks totaling $266 million.

Barack Obama: 53 earmarks totaling $126 million

John McCain: 0 earmarks totaling $0.0 million.

Obama is proposing a Global Poor program that would suck our economy into the netherland.
Reply:Absolutely, stock pile away. There will be more use for it also if he gets the office because he is full of you know what and we'll be in it deeper than ever! Plus, we can use it for kleenex too, to dry our tears.

Reply:so by your logic, anything that happened at the same time bush was in office is his fault? the value of the dollar is going down because people like you and me are not spending as much...
Reply:naaa...not toilet paper. I would put it into canned spam and dry MRE's!
Reply:I am so glad you reminded me. I'll have to buy more too!Thanks ever so much! You are a true friend.
Reply:Go ahead and buy more TP you annoying *** hippie.
Reply:What the...? LOL!

Houses are pretty dang expensive too, wanna stock pile those?
Reply:stockpile ammuniton, that will be worth more than money lol

fabric boot

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