Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can anyone find a link to a source of merit on where "Bush says Bin Laden isn't a priority"....?

or will I get a bunch of stuff from blogs without sources. I have been trying to google related items and only came up with stuff from "Thinkprogess", "Thegooddemocrat" and sources like that. Nothing from Fox or CNN. There were supposedly more than one reporter with Fred Barnes and nothing else from came from those reporters...apparently.

While on this; where is the credible source of the supposed "God**mned piece of paper" said by Bush that some from the left keep spouting off?

Can anyone find a link to a source of merit on where "Bush says Bin Laden isn't a priority"....?
Some helpful links: The quote about not caring where Bin Laden is, seems to have been misquoted and the one about the constitution has not been reported in any mainstream publication that I can find. It came from a reporter for 'Capitol Hill Blue' which I gather is a Democrat affiliated journal so its validity could be questionable.
Reply:I would look but then that means I would actually have to do something so your out luck if you think I'll get you something.
Reply:Bush did say this in 2002:

Q: But don't you believe that the threat that bin Laden posed won't truly be eliminated until he is found either dead or alive?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.
Reply:I saw it on tv myself....a reporter asked Bush what was being done about Osama Bin Ladin....Bush replied, " I don't really think about him much, he doesn't really concern me"....I don't need a link. I saw it with my own eyes.

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