Friday, November 13, 2009

Can any liberal provide a credible audio/video source for Bush saying the constitution was a GD piece of paper

Anyone? If not, please put this quote into the "liberal trash propaganda" can

Can any liberal provide a credible audio/video source for Bush saying the constitution was a GD piece of paper
funny how liberals have no answers nor sources.
Reply:The real question is, Has he read the constitution?
Reply:I would but Bin Laden taped over it for his next staged speech.
Reply:I googled it and the story originated with Capitol Hill Blue, which is about as reliable a source as Fox News, so it probably isn't true.
Reply:i know he did say it... but i could'nt find a source ANYWHERE!

BUSH SUCKS MONKEY TESTICALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:just another damnocrat lie
Reply:that can is full already... they gotta buy another

Of course Nixon said he wasn't a crook too.
Reply:where have you been hiding the last 6 years hes been running rough -shot over the constitution .REPUBLICAN PEA BRAIN

it's only second hand information... kind of like WMD being in syria... or Clinton having the chance to get Osama...

are they true... who knows... there is no actual hard source... only people that say they know it happened... and people are flawed...

Ah Ha... many have sources and cites for what we claim to have sources and cites for... which is much more than you bother to even try to do... pot, kettle, black...
Reply:PARKERD...Prove to me that you didn't say that you want "W" to be your daddy.
Reply:Can you find any credible source that proves he did not say it?
Reply:"Can you find any credible source that proves he did not say it? "

Why does it matter when the rumor says, "He said it" we are trying to disprove a rumor. Go back to your philosophy classes.
Reply:If the "sources" were credible, it would have been on the front page of every newspaper in America--FOR MONTHS. The liberal media would NOT have given this one a pass were it true. That fact in and of itself is reason enough to toss it into the "liberal trash propaganda" can.

'Nuff said.

Oh, Lori...what an astute and mature response. Keep it up. You are surely a credit to your party.
Reply:Guess it's a no show...propaganda trash can it is!
Reply:Don't ever use liberal and provide in the same sentence in that sequence! Always structure your sentence as provide..liberal.

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