Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Support Bush, do you?

I believe President George W. Bush is doing a very good job. He is helping the entire world and our country. I know we did not FIND any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but I believe they were there. At least we got rid of sadam hussane, and have you heard from Osama bin laden, no. Don’t blame the president for the gas prices; our prices are still lower than the rest of the worlds were before president bush. Most of the stuff democrat’s use as evidence to discredit bush is made up or exaggerated. And yes he did have a C average, but it was at Yale. And yes he may have said this about the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper', but sometimes these things can get in the way of what’s right.

I Support Bush, do you?
I read your comments, and I don't think that leon_trotsky1940 is calling you a communist; he is saying that he is a communist (or at least a Marxist) and that capitalism is fundamentally flawed. To him I say: it's true that capitalism isn't perfect, but in practice capitalism works out substantially better than communism or any other alternative. As an economist, I could give several arguments for why this is so, but they would be more appropriate in a discussion about froms of government. (I'd like to have a seperate discussion with the Marxist.)

Like you, Michael, I support President Bush, though he certainly isn't perfect. My support for him is not unconditional, and there are certain policies that he has that I find questionable at best.

For example, I don’t support his warrantless wiretap program. There is no doubt the program has helped gather important information about terrorist attacks, but I’m not sure that the means justifies the end. One of the reasons that the colonists fought off the British is because the British troops were going into people’s homes and searching their property without warrants. Maybe the British had good reason to suspect that there was illegal activity taking place in these homes. Perhaps they thought that weapons were being stockpiled, or revolutionary plans were being drafted. In any event, this practice irritated colonists so much that they made it clear that warrantless searches were unacceptable and were a violation of people’s Constitutional rights.

This doesn’t mean that searches and wiretaps shouldn't be done; it only means that judicial warrants must be issued first. Failing to maintain a separation of powers is fundamentally dangerous to the integrity of out system of governance.

Bush authorized these searches, and though they probably helped thwart terrorist attacks, he overstepped his Constitutional power. A better solution would be for Bush to support legislation for a new department in the judicial branch. This branch could be set up to specifically handle warrants for suspected terrorists, and could process them much more quickly then the current system allows. This would lead to a positive outcome, while maintaining judicial oversight, and thus an appropriate separation of power.

With that said, I think Bush has done a lot of things right.

For example, Bush acted appropriately when he invaded Afghanistan. Terrorists from Afghanistan attacked the United States of America, and the corrupt Taliban government refused to give them up. Even when the Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan publicly announced that they were responsible for 9/11, the Taliban refused to bring them to justice. The Taliban and Al Qaeda were so intertwined that they depended on each other for support. The Taliban wasn’t about to give any Al Qaeda up. Bush did the right thing when he took out the Taliban and a huge portion of the Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan.

Bush was also right for invading Iraq. Saddam Hussein had attacked Iran and Kuwait before and had used WMDs in these attacks. During the Gulf War, Saddam was driven out of Kuwait and ordered to destroy his weapons of mass destruction as a condition of staying in power. He agreed to let U.N weapons inspectors come into the country to verify that the weapons had been destroyed, but as soon as the U.N troops pulled out, Saddam started playing games. He refused to let the U.N inspectors do their jobs, and he intentionally made it look like he still had WMDs. When the U.N inspectors came to check a specific site, Saddam made them wait. Satellite photos show that while the inspectors were waiting, Saddam had whole convoys of trucks drive out the “back door”. Saddam wanted everyone to think he still had WMDs and that is why almost all of the world’s intelligence agencies thought that he did. Bush made an intelligent decision based on the information that he had.

Interestingly, Saddam made his most defiant gesture when President Clinton was in office. He kicked all of the U.N inspectors out of the country. This is rarely brought up anymore, but Clinton bombed Iraq for this. Clinton thought that Saddam had WMDs and was not going to allow Saddam to play any games. After the bombing, Saddam agreed to let the U.N back in, and Clinton firmly told Saddam that if he did anything else to keep the U.N from weapons inspections, then the U.S reserved the right to bomb Iraq without warning. But once Clinton left office, Saddam thought he could get away with his WMD games again. Saddam began blocking the U.N weapons inspectors from investigating certain places, and so Bush picked up where Clinton left off. Saddam clearly violated a condition of the cease-fire that ended the first Gulf War, and that alone was sufficient justification to re-enter Iraq.

But that’s not all that Saddam Hussein did. He was also an evil, oppresive dictator who maintained his power by murdering anyone who opposed him. That’s how the Sunnis, who comprised only 20% of the Iraqi population, could maintain absolute control over the Shiites, who comprised 80% of the population. If any Shiite spoke out, or tried to gain political power - he or she would be murdered. It turns out that Saddam Hussein was bluffing about the WMDs, but we did find mass graves filled with Saddam’s political opponents.

This is getting long, so I’ll just make one last point echoing yours on Bush’s intelligence. No morons have ever graduated from Yale. Bush’s “C’s” at Yale would have been “A’s at almost any other school. Bush's greatest intellectual inaptitude is best evidenced by his inability to speak articulately and to form grammatically correct sentences. It's ironic that most of the people who bash his intelligence demonstrate that they are at least equally deficient.

While Bush may not be the most brilliant person on the planet, or the most eloquent speaker, he certainly isn't a moron. To all those who attack Bush's intelligence, I would ask that you try spending a few weeks under constant video surveillance. How smart do you think you'll sound when the media rolls the tape?
Reply:no, i dont support terrorists
Reply:Absolutely! He is one of a few Presidents we have had who will not waiver in his beliefs and does not let the "polls" effect his decisions. These are the makings of a true leader.

You supported bush, but in time, you will come to

realize how he targeted you for deception.

You were specially picked because of the attributes

you possess: fear, ignorance, arrogance, belligerence,

bigotry, and low self-esteem. Bush's political

strategists calculated that the people most easily

misled and controlled are the ones who fit your

profile, so they crafted their propaganda just for


He got your support by making you feel better about

your personal flaws. He told you to wave the flag

because your bigotry is nothing be ashamed of, and to

thump the bible because your ignorance is a virtue.

You should cherish your hatefulness and

small-mindedness as they are family values. You are

not society's rejects, but rather, you are higher on

the ladder than certain other people. Right-wing radio

points them out so that you know who to hate to feel

better about yourself.

He feeds you crap about "imminent threat",

"patriotism", "spreading freedom", and "flowers and

candy". He's only tossing you a bone because he knows

he's going to be asking you for a hefty sacrifice

soon. He repeats meaningless, mind-numbing platitudes

like "Freedom is not free!" and "We're fighting them

there so we don't have to fight them here!" You fell

for it.

By now, it should be apparent that the invasion of

Iraq was a shameless oil grab. We're there because the

rich, powerful, and greedy of this country, people who

you have nothing to do with, want to control that part

of the world's oil resources for decades to come, and

they're using your tax dollars and your children's

blood to do it. Over a hundred thousand people,

American and Iraqi, are dead because of it, and the

depleted uranium left behind will ensure that tens of

thousands more die afterwards. You call that

liberation? Not even that many people died when Saddam

Hussein tried to grab Kuwait's oil fields years ago.

Yes, you are a special people, cons. You do not

possess patriotism, a love of America, or any of those

high-minded ideals as you would like to believe. You

possess the qualities that allowed bush to hijack your

free will to do his bidding. You were used, and he did

it by playing to the personal shortcomings that most

people try to hide. Like Samuel L. Jackson's character

at the end of the movie Unbreakable, you become aware,

only after the fact, of the disgraceful role that you

were destined to play. You will come to realize that

you are history's bad guy. Like the McCarthyites or

the brownshirts, you will serve both as a symbol of

shame and a warning to future generations. You truly

are a special people.GOD HELP US ALL,AND AMERICA.

So I guess you could put me down as a NO.
Reply:liberal idiots
Reply:welcome to the 29% that still supports him, I happen to be in the 71% that don't and I was in the 49% that didn't vote for him last time and the 52% that didn't vote for him when he was appointed. Speaking of tax cuts how did you spend your $20 ?
Reply:Not a day in my life....
Reply:sure i do!!

if anyone else was in that position, WHAT WOULD THEY DO!!

people think that theyre soo smart, but theyve never done it. they have 2 blame everything on somebody, so they blame it on bush
Reply:I'm not a native American, nor Iraqi or Spanish. I'm from Europe. I believe that Americans have the president that they deserve. But I don't like his politics. I prefer someone who doesn't "love" war politics so much.
Reply:Top Reasons for Impeaching Bush

What are the top reasons for impeaching Bush?


Invading Iraq without any threat to the U.S.

Lying about Iraqi WMD's to Congress and the American people

Causing the deaths of over 2,000 U.S. troops and the maiming of over 10,000 more

Failing to provide adequate equipment and armor to U.S. troops

Allowing illegal torture and murder of prisoners

Causing the deaths of 100,000 Iraqi civilians

Spending $300 billion in just two years for an occupation that could last for decades

Letting Halliburton steal billions through no-bid contracts

Using vast quantities of depleted uranium weapons that will poison Iraq now and for generations to come

September 11

Ignoring countless warnings of an attack in the U.S.

Reading "My Pet Goat" during the attack

Letting Osama Bin Laden escape from Afghanistan

Holding no bureaucrat accountable for ignoring warnings

Delaying and obstructing the 911 Commission investigation

Turning Afghanistan into the world's largest opium producer


Allowing international terrorism incidents to quadruple and trying to cover up the facts

Failing to secure our borders and ports to prevent terrorism

Creating a new generation of terrorists through the invasion of Iraq and the killing of 100,000 civilians

Letting terrorists buy high-powered weapons inside the U.S.

Letting North Korea build nuclear bombs and missiles that can cross the Pacific Ocean

Refusing to shut down Pakistan's nuclear weapons exports

Foreign relations

Turning the world against the United States

Preparing for another war with Iran

Signing treaties that cost America jobs and undermine American laws


Letting gasoline prices double at devastating cost to the economy while oil companies make record profits

Letting corrupt companies like Enron steal billions from consumers and employees

Cutting taxes for the rich and turning a $5 trillion budget surplus into a $5 trillion budget deficit

Adding trillions to the national debt, which our children and grandchildren will have to pay off with interest

Letting millions of American jobs go overseas


Letting bureaucrats wiretap Americans without a court order

Locking up suspects for years without charges or trials

Arresting nonviolent protesters at Bush events

Packing the courts with right-wing judges to outlaw abortion

Ordering federal courts to interfere in the Terri Schiavo tragedy

Taking away our right to sue corporations through class actions

Taking away our right to declare bankruptcy under Chapter 7 and forcing middle-class Americans into debt slavery %26lt;%26gt;;


Stealing the Presidential elections of 2000 and 2004

Refusing to investigate the disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of voters in Florida and Ohio

Promoting black-box electronic voting machines without paper trails

Embracing dictators in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia, and China

Overthrowing democratically-elected leaders in Haiti and Venezuela


Allowing global warming, which will cause massive environmental damage

Allowing more toxic mercury in the air and water

Allowing oil drilling in wilderness areas


Illegally "outing" CIA agent Valerie Plame, an important anti-terrorism official

Letting a gay male prostitute (Jeff Gannon) roam free in the White House

Paying journalists to give favorable coverage to the administration

Relying on an earpiece for answers during debates and press conferences

Going AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard in 1972 and covering it up ever since

Defending the most corrupt Member of Congress (Tom DeLay)
Reply:Not so much. But I respect your opinion.
Reply:Yes I do support Bush.
Reply:my dog would make a better president than that idiot
Reply:Bush is not following the conservative agenda and the country is suffering for it. I want him to crush those idiot Iranians militarily and take away their nukes. I want him to stop what Chavez and Castro are doing in Cuba. I want him to confront China over thier military buildup. I want our country converted over to domestic oil (which we have at least a 500 year supply of). I want our border shut down and locked up tight and all illegals rounded up and deported (and those people who supply them with jobs and illegal services, jailed). I want immigration slashed to a hard cap of (at very most) 100,000 people a year.

He is doing none of these things and it is pissing me off. If the democrats weren't so freaking insane, I'd vote him and his type of republican out of office.
Reply:yea i like him as our president, idk why ppl make games on here like puching him out or, making fun of him etc.
Reply:You have to be kidding
Reply:George W. Bush is the worst president I have ever known and it just goes to show you people are just trying to get more soldiers to Iraq why don't they go there?
Reply:I don't support a cheater, liar or an oil lover.
Reply:His reaons for attacking Iraq is about oil, not war

he is a war monger

He doesn't do anything about global warming which is destroying our planet.

He is letting the US poor, live on dog food

He is very naive about other cultures and religions

He can't cope with pressure

He defends the death penalty

He insists unwanted babies enter the world,

His health service prevents the poor from becoming healthy
Reply:Okay, I know this is not an answer you want to hear, but I do not support Bush. It is not all the presidents fault for gas prices. They were going up before he became the president. But importing oil from the Middle East is hard since we are at war there. Also, Bush didn't recognize Al Qaida as a threat. Saddam Hussain? We didn't need to get Saddam Hussain. Hello, Dictatorship is a government. I'm not saying it's good, but you should know that it is what itt is. THERE ARE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!! THE ONLY WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION THERE EVER WAS OR WILL BE AMERICANS, ESPECIALLY BUSH! Osama Bin Laden? We should have been after him, not Iraq. And how do you know that Democrats made up all that jazz? It's not like Bush has never made up stuff. Yeah, C is average. Yale. Yes. You do have to be a wee bit smart to get into Yale. I agree. Yale is tough, so maintaining that average is hard. Uuuhhhh. Last sentence. Want to rewrite that for me? How stupid can you be? (No offense). You can't call the Constitution a goddamned piece of paper. Firstly, he's a Cristian/Catholic. He shouldn't be putting god in front of anything. And here are some things that are bad.

~He is trying to write an ammendment to get gays/lesbians to not marry

Excuse me, but Declaration of Independence, "... all men are created equal..." Black's, White's, Gays, Lesbian's, etc. fall under men.

~7-8 trillion dollars in debt

Reply:yep, sure do. he's doin the best he could.
Reply:you think that he is helping entire world? Who ask him to do that?

He is "helping" world to take over all oil to get money,why he does not go to China,Russia,Europa,Australia,India,....... he is helping entire world????? No one wants his help if thay want thay call him !!!!!!
Reply:You support Bush but you have the mind capacity of a 5-year old. To all the foreigners out there: Bush won because of the increase of stupidity in this country....the educated people did not vote for Bush, sadly, however, that seems to be the minority. John Kerry wasn't that great either though.
Reply:I 100 percent support George Bush. He is doing everything he can to protect america. Anyone in his position would have made the same decision as him to go to war... unless they are morons!... ZARQAWI'S DEAD!
Reply:Why would I support a capitalist slave of the corporation?

Long live Marxist/Trotskyism!
Reply:NO - NO - NO - NO

Wasting $ %26amp; effort on a political move regarding immigration, no good plan. Wasting $ %26amp; lives on Iraq where they are not safer %26amp; the US has made more enemies. Curtailing my civil liberties by phone monitoring %26amp; other stupid wasteful matters that create more chaos than strategic information. Who cares if our president is a christian? Does a "good christian" support political cheating, environmental degradation, international violence, reduction of social support for the poor %26amp; ailing, provide financial assistance to the wealthy while letting victims of Katrina continue homeless? Slashing at personal rights such as abortion %26amp; gay marriage. Sounds %26amp; looks stupid when he speaks (e.g. "Good job, Brownie!")

NO - NO - NO - NO

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