Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why does everyone seem to hate President Bush?

President Bush is neither dumb nor a poor leader. He has taken on a huge responsibility and managed to do much better than any of the chronic complainers could ever do. I have always heard that if you can't support your leaders, just shut up, so I think that is a great idea. Yeah, somebody had to vote for him - the enlightened ones who can understand that he has our country's best at heart. Why do you people think that it would be a good idea to just leave Iraq? That is nothing but an open invitation for them to come here and take over. How much would you be able to support that? Women and children have died - sure but they die every day and sometimes at the hands of your own fellow Americans in your own backyard - abortionists. This is a country made up of ********, nonsensical dumb a**es who can't think their way out of a paper bag but they won't offend anyone.

We need to get this country back to being a land of like minded people who want what is best for US, not everybody else.

Why does everyone seem to hate President Bush?
Everyone likes to jump on the most popular band wagon. A lot of people think it's cool to always bash the president. There aren't many people left with the backbone and guts to stand up for what's right.
Reply:With respect, I find your logic overly simplistic and misinformed. To begin with, the Founding Fathers did not want a country where the people would adhere to a policy of "if you can't support your leaders, just shut up." The whole idea behind the creation of our country was to have a system where no one could be criticized for voicing protest against their government because King George used to throw people in jail if they did that. Throughout world history dictators have executed those who speak out, so our country was definitely NOT founded on your idea of silencing those who disagree with you.

Second, he has done a terrible job managing the war. Had he done a good job, after 9/11 all of Europe, Australia, and even Russia and China would have joined us in a war against all the countries who sponsor terror and it would have been over by now. Instead of making us safe, he's actually made us considerably less secure.

Finally, David Walker, Comptroller of the United States and fiscally conservative Republican, has been touring the country telling government officials and private citizens alike what a financial and economic mess our country is in and if we don't make serious changes soon we are on the brink of economic disaster in the USA. This man isn't a liberal and has no reason to lie. Bush has done this to our country.

I'm sorry, but the facts make it clear that George W. Bush has done a terrible job as President.
Reply:"I have always heard that if you can't support your leaders, just shut up, so I think that is a great idea."

What country do you think you live in? The United Sates was founded on the notion that the populace has the right to disagree with the decisions made by their government and to make those grievances known. Having our best interests at heart is not the same thing has being a good leader. Ignoring his failings and simply repeating over and over several talking points as you have done does nothing to serve the best interests of our country. Do you really want a country of people who don't think for themselves (in other words think like you)? We're better served as a people by having differing points of view, different perspectives on dealing with the problems that face us.

"It is so much fun to piss off the liberals!!!!! hehehehehehe"

How? By pretending to be ignorant?
Reply:i've vote for him in 08 if i could.
Reply:First of all nobody is coming to take over - stop the paranoia.Is disgusting how easily you say "Women and children have died - sure but they die....".You seem to forget that they didn't just die but YOU,THE AMERICANS,BUSH went there to take over and killed many of them.Why Bush is a bad leader?If you can't figure that out I am very sorry for you.He is not only a bad leader,he is a joke.As for you - nice opinion you have about your fellow citizens.........
Reply:Hey, not everybody does hate him. I don't and I totally agree with you! I think a lot of it is because it's "chic" to hate him. They don't have a clue but everybody else seems to hate him, so they think they should too. Then, there are the others, the real haters, who don't know what the heck they're talking about and are angry that he won again even though they worked so hard and were so sure he would lose. They're just sore losers. And finally, there are those like Rosie O'Donell, who are "peaces at all costs" types who are way out there lunatics, who insist that the troops "are the terrorists" and then get angry when people call her on what she says and remember it.

OK...I don't agree with your abortion stance, though. I believe it should be a decision my husband and I should make and not the government. Look, libs, I can still agree with her even though I disagree with something she said. How about that?
Reply:No I don't hate him am a fan of his.

PS your flagging me with down thumb means nothing.

Can't change anything.
Reply:Okay, President Bush might not be mentally challenged, but he isn't even in the same scholastic ballpark as our last President, who happened to be a Rhodes scholar. Our President graduated from Yale with a 2.something gpa. Our President was AVERAGE, not above average or excellent, but average. It would be a different story had Dubya been elected in a landslide in both elections; but the fact remains that the Supreme Court decided to choose our President, who didn't even win half the popular vote. Ever since he has been in office, he has rewarded his financial backers with diplomatic posts. His inability to place leaders in key positions instead of back-patters who are more loyal than they are able has placed this country in one of the most precarious positions in history. Government by nature is already a complicated beast. Consider all the failures that are going on, domestically and abroad. The most egregious error that comes to mind is the disgusting state of the VA hospitals, most notably Walter Reed. An environment like that is not how you repay the patriots that lay their life on the line, everyday. I'm not saying that Clinton was the best President ever, but he had natural charisma and leadership that allowed Congress to overcome partisan lines and do what was right for America, instead of doing what was right for their own parties, be it Democrat or Republican. He has divided this country and failed to live up to his expectations. Californians had the good sense to recall Grey Davis, and I think it's a shame that we weren't given the same choice to do with Bush Jr.

If you think that "them" will come here and take over if we leave Iraq, then you must not be too swift. I agree that we shouldn't leave Iraq. It's just like the old camping saying, "Leave it better than you found it." Well, in typical American fashion, we've fubar'ed Iraq, What enrages me is that 32 college students are killed by a lone gunman, and we're beaten with it from all sides for weeks. 200 innocent Iraqi civilians get bombed in a market and it's only a blip on the HNN ticker. The Iraqis are facing a hell that I can only hope I never have to experience, and it's not going to get better anytime soon. President Bush refuses to adopt strategy or allow our forces the chance to do their job. The 2nd highest ranking General in Iraq quit the Army after 30 years of honorable service because the White House was committed to following a doomed strategy. I mean, these are the same people that allowed chaos to encompass the Iraqis after the regime takeover. To paraphrase a brilliant man, "So I sat there watching the news, thinking surely they have a plan. They have to have a plan. And as I continued watching and saw chaos all around, I thought to myself, 'Son of a b*tch, they don't have a plan.'" (Lewis Black rules)

The only thing nonsensical I've come across so far today has been your rambling, half-@ss pitiful excuse for critical thinking. Before you have another aneurysm and decide to rant on Yahoo! Answers, I'd suggest you take some medication.
Reply:I support President Bush!

After Clinton, damn skippy...he walked out of the White House, knowing Osama was gonna attempt to attack America and left it for the American People and The next President to deal with... sad thing is is people are dumb as dirt to believe Clinton was a Hero....

My opinion runs from me voting for the man and him setting us up for a fall..due to the military cut backs....

Men and women who served proudly for 16 to 18 years being told the USA no longer needs your service nor will you gain any of your retirement, nor will you be able to re-up most got re 4's


"Modernization budgets also were cut substantially during the Clinton years, and procurement budgets were cut much further than the cuts in force size and structure warranted. In essence, the Clinton administration took a "procurement holiday" where the military was concerned. The contrast in the average annual procurement of major equipment in two periods -- 1975 to 1990 and 1991 to 2000 -- is startling. For example, the Pentagon purchased an average of 78 scout and attack helicopters each year from 1975 to 1990, and only seven each year from 1991 to 2000. An average of 238 Air Force fighters and five tanker aircraft were procured each year from 1975 to 1990, as against only 28 and one per year, respectively, from 1991 to 2000."
Reply:Not everyone hates the President but those who do have almost exclusive access to the microphones and television cameras.

The advent of talk radio and the Internet have been a great boon to the voice of the opposition but it is under attack.

The Liberals are trying to silence the opposition with the Fairness Doctrine. Since their opinions cannot make it in the marketplace they want to mandate that both side get equal play. Sounds good but since radio is a business no station could bare the expense of having their station without listeners for half of the day. That is what the liberals want, they want radio shut down.

Al Gore says this outright in his new book. He says that since the other side is so uncivil they should just be silenced. In other words since his ideas could not possibly be wrong those opposing them must be just plain wrong and not deserving of freedom of speech.
Reply:If you can't see the answer to your own question then you never will. I feel very very sad for such narrow minded people like you.
Reply:You want us all to think alike? Now THAT'S scary! If I don't support my leader, I am NOT about to "shut up", screw that idea. You're the typical conservative 'follower'. Very dangerous for this country to be that way.
Reply:through out my lifetime, all Republican presidents have been said to have been hated. the Democrats do everything they can to promote hate of the opposition president. this is also true of the inverse, but not to the same extent, Democrats like to get almost to that foaming at the mouth mad dog stage. Hillary's rants in the recent past are good examples.
Reply:I totally agree with you. I love the neoconservative revolution.
Reply:Katrina, Iraq.

If you still don't understand you're not paying attention to the news.
Reply:It is the popular opinion. Many are like sheep. In New Zealand we had a saying, it's the country where men are men and sheep are scared. Same same.

Lack of research. Too many ideas. I value the right to chose and have a solid opinion. Some days I wonder as I back story some of the sources. Loose Change is so edited it's like FOX news to me. WTC7? If I had not been security cleared and trained as a Flight Attendant Instructor on board 747, DC=10 equipment I may have a different approach to these issues. Pre 9-11 I begged my Father get off United returning from Spain. All the indications were that an incident was to happen as I followed the news, Clinton blabed on the golf course in Hawaii 9 specific threats to a/c Pacific rim... It was all there and Swissair 111 went down. Pan,Pan, Pan is hijack code. NOT mayday. All pre 9-11.

Bush and Iraq. The rest elaborated u know the drill. WMD's to me any suicide bomber is one.No one told US about the cyanide bombs? The soldiers in the loop knew.

Education and convictions. Few have either when it comes to Bush. Again, I respect a good debate yet I am educated and a news fanatic. For over seven years on airplanes my life depended on it. Twice a year the most boring security videos known to man. I watched.

Headlines. Few read beyond the first byline. I went back to college for Journalism school.

I am not promoting myself but the validity of me as a source. To list them all would be enormous.

I totally agree with your frustration. Thanks for letting me ramble a bit. Aloha.

* The foundation of communism, divide and u fall. These United States? Try Bush inherited a pile of dog dew. Finally someone stood up with strength and got out of the d*amed closet. But, Clinton was the popular President.
Reply:I don't hate the President. I merely disagree with the present administrations agendas. To blindly follow any leader is a very dangerous attitude and resolve.
Reply:Lets see now....... 27% think he's doing a heck of a job the rest don't ! He is compared to Hitler for good reasons ! His granpa was a Nazi supporter and help finance the Nazi's from his cushy position at a powerful Wall Street investment bank ! So what have you done to make YOUR granpa proud of? What do you think 'W' has done? Bush is the worst thing to happen to AMERICA ! Remember.... Hitler was either loved OR intensely hated He even had a girlfriend...but he was still a monster !


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