Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Need a George Bush supportive webpage?

I am writing an argumental paper about the impeachment of George W. Of course I am for the impeachment and it seems everyone else is because those are the only webpages I can find. So are there any Bush supporters still out there, or less vaguely, do you all have any webpages? I know most of you live in the hills with no cable or internet, but theres atleast got to be one! :)

Need a George Bush supportive webpage?
ho hum.
Reply:Take 2 asprin and call me in the morning.
Reply:It's like those "pro-Bush" books that were being written 3 years ago. Boy, those sure dried up in a hurry, didn't they. Hell, some of those authors, like Woodward, are now writing with a decidedly anti-Bush perspective. I guess the more you watch Bush in action, the less there is to like....
Reply:For what impeachment ? There are no grounds for good luck, you will need it.
Reply:You could start off at the Republican National Committee's website. I'm sure they have plenty of linked websites that offer support for his positions.

Or you could do a Google keyword search for The Drudge Report. He's a good little republican cheerleader.

And don't overlook links to the usual conservative talk show hosts. They just love to promote pro-Bush websites.

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