Friday, May 21, 2010

Another Bush Joke?

In light of the previous post, here is an old Bush joke that you have probably heard before. But if you haven't, you can rate it.

George Bush looks out his bedroom window one January morning. During the night, someone has peed "W s*cks" in a snowbank near the window. Enraged, George immediately calls the FBI to investigate. "This is an outrage!!" George yells, "I want you to find out who is responsible for this right now!!"

So a team of investigators goes out into the snowbank and runs some tests. A half an hour later, a FBI agent reports back to the President".

"Mr. President, I have some good news and bad news for you", the investigator starts. "The good news is that a urine analysis indicates that the urine belongs to former President Clinton."

"Ooohh." Bush laughs and rings his hands, "Once I go to the papers with this, I'm going to bring down the Democratic Party. What's the bad news?"

The FBI agent says, "It's Laura's handwriting."

Another Bush Joke?
Now that one is funny.

Lighten up, people it is just a harmless joke. I suppose if it were about Clinton you all would be LOL and saying right one and all that crap! That, would of course be, hypocracy.
Reply:That was pretty funny.

Clinton and Laura's Bush.
Reply:There is a section for jokes, this is the political section.
Reply:Don't these people have a sense of humor? That was hilarious.

Here's one for you (but it's a true story; you can even read it verbatim in books about Ronald Reagan). Reagan had a legendary sense of humor, and he liked poking fun at his staid Vice President. George H.W. Bush. So here's the real conversation. RR = Reagan, GB = George H.W. Bush, Sr.

RR: George, did you know that condoms are one of the United States' biggest exports?

GB: No, I did not know that sir.

RR: And did you know that printed on every condom is the phrase "Proudly Made in the United States of America!"

GB: No, that's really amazing, but I must admit I have never noticed that.

RR: Well, George, you have to unroll the condom ALL THE WAY to read it !
Reply:Tasteless, and not even remotely funny. I give it a -5.

On the other hand, at least this time you spelled "President" correctly.
Reply:old sick joke...only moron's put down a great first lady.
Reply:That one SUCKED too
Reply:Anyone one that makes fun of W is okay with me

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