I have read in the paper that Israelis like Michael Chertoff are already threatening that another terrorist attack is coming soon. My gut feeling tells me that if another terrorist attack happens in the USA, you can be rest assurred Ashkenazi Jews like Bush, Cheney, and Chertoff are behind it.
Now that most Americans are against the war, will Bush rig another "terrorist attack" against us like 9-11.
There is overwhelming evidence that this is quite probable, probably sometime in the next few months. With Bush's all-time low war ratings they have to come up with some new justification to continue this war without end. I have no doubt 911 was staged to preempt this Orwellian nightmare.
Reply:as i said.... "unless you're one of those stubborn people that wont believe anything until you find more 'proof'"
obviously you only chose that guy because he agrees with you... but its ok he needs the 10 points Report It
Reply:by the way, i forgot to post this earlier, but as far as practicing free thought... did it ever occur to you that you may be wrong? you are the one that is believing everything. Report It
Reply:i wouldn't put anything past this administration. they are evil personified. bush is the anti-christ.
Reply:There you are. Stay put, we will be there soon with a straight jacket and your medication. You are completely delusional.
Reply:Of course. They run us with fear or their financial gain. They want us to feel they are doing a good job and lie, lie ,lie. If this happens they are responsible. We can not even help our own people. They are the problem not the American people. If have watch waiting for Americans to say that is enough. In the 60's we demonstrated against the war. I did. I did not spit on our servicemen I wanted them back. To many lives for what? I feel like I am in a flash back. History repeats it self. But, we protected our own soil.
Reply:What? Since when were Bush and Cheney Jewish?
Oh is this part of the Jewish conspiracy? You know the Protocols of the Elders of Zion isn't good bedtime reading for the mentally unbalanced.
There may well be a terrorist attack soon - but it will probably be impossible to tell whether the government were behind it or not. Doubtless though, if there is they will use it to their full nefarious advantage.
Reply:No, it won't happen.
Reply:*Tsk* What else have you come up with? I'm sorry that you really believe that. It must suck to have a life filled with conspiracy theories...and not know the truth when it slaps you in the face.
Reply:hahaha...You seriously need to get another hobby rather than trying to get people to believe that...that is the dumbest thing Ive heard.
You could be right
And for the guy above me
Most americans support the TROOPS not the war!
Reply:Yeah, it sure seems like Bush isn't satisfied with the mess he already has going full blast, excuse the pun..
Reply:are you completely insane??????
Reply:Most Americans have been against the war for months now.
Reply:You should add Rockefeller... Those politicians are no more than playing puppets... The real masters are hidden behind the curtain!! No sure if they plan anything, but they definitly know that something is up in the air, and may surely not act fast enough to avoid it! The CIA and FBI will not save anybody!
And yes, I am pretty sure that something will happen within this years, but where, nobody will know in time!
Reply:you are probably the most ignorant person in the world
Reply:run down to the store %26amp; get ya some crayons %26amp; coloring books
Reply:That's the most idiotic thing I've seen on here for a while. You probably believe the moon landing and the holocaust didn't happen either, right? Move to Canada and quit your bitching.
Reply:Do you believe in the second shooter on the grassy knoll and that navy SEALs blew up the levies in New Orleans?
Reply:I think you are way off base! You are judging the Bush team wrongly like many Americans! They have good hearts - they are not evil!
Reply:Seriously, is your head up your butt for the warmth?
Reply:that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard, everyone knows that you don't really believe that, and that you are just trying to be funny! Well you failed miserably, your a fag and not funny gay joke!
Reply:You said as you adjusted your tin foil hat
Reply:i mean this in the most respetful way possible... but i HATE people that think everythign is a conspiracy. you dont have proof, no one has proof. someone didnt like bush, put all this (pardon me) BULL SH!T out in the press and now people are believing it. trust me... why would the leader of our country rig an attack against itself? money? look how much help we've gotten rofl. name one country that has helped us as much as this country has helped anyone else. seriously think logically for 2 minutes and ull find out im right. unless you're one of those stubborn people that wont believe anything until you find more "proof" (such as those black and white magazines advertising tickets to see the bat boy). this is absolutely ridiculous and i wish you people would stop being so stupid
PS (i suppose you believe in Santa Clause too?)
Reply:It must be hard to live in your world or maybe just a lot of fun like a scary movie- full of imagination and conspiracy
Reply:You're right, nothing get by this government. They might, just to keep the funds going, to fuel a war that was a mistake in the first place.
Reply:Americans are NOT against the war that resulted from the 9/11 attacks. Most Americans support the Afghanistan campaign.
Makes me wonder: if Bush was behind 9/11, why didn't he blame it on terrorists he could link to Saddam? Saddam tried to have his father killed. In contrast, before 9/11 the stuff bin laden did mostly caused problems for America under The Clinton Administration and may have actually helped Bush get elected by convincing some Americans that The Democrats are unable to provide security.
Reply:Only a true fool could believe the US planned 9-11. But I would think there are a lot of dumb hicks and ghetto trash to amount to 25% of the American population, so I'm not surprised that one of them would learn how to use a computer eventually.
Reply:most Americans support the war, don't believe the lies.
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