I believe President George W. Bush is doing a very good job. He is helping the entire world and our country. I know we did not FIND any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but I believe they were there. At least we got rid of sadam hussane, and have you heard from Osama bin laden, no. Don’t blame the president for the gas prices; our prices are still lower than the rest of the worlds were before president bush. Most of the stuff democrat’s use as evidence to discredit bush is made up or exaggerated. And yes he did have a C average, but it was at Yale. And yes he may have said this about the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper', but sometimes these things can get in the way of what’s right.
Do you agree that President George W. Bush is the best president in history?
He also cut taxes!
He is against gay marriage!
He is against parial birth abortion!
The unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in a long time!
More people own homes then ever before!
The list goes on, and on!
Reply:Against Bush:1. he caused high gas prices because of going to war 2. going to war was pointless 3. he is a greedy man 4. conspiracy about him being a part of 9/11 and not stopping it when he had many chances to prevent it from happening Report It
Reply:President Bush and Rory Emerald, the next Speaker of the House, vowed to get along. What odds do you give them for bipartisan cooperation? Report It
Reply:Bush is the worst president in US history. Funny how we have completely different points of view, huh? Does that mean we are completely different? Yeah, I think probably so.
Reply:You probably posted this just to get the blood of true blue American patriots angry. If that was your intention you did a good job.
l'lI must assume that all of the people who think he is doing a great job are big money individuals or stupid.
The people he has helped the most probably make over 2M a year.
a) The National Debt has gone into the stratosphere.
b) It is easier than ever for terrorist to enter the country yet harder than ever for an American to travel from state to state unless the drive and even then you are more likely to be pulled over and searched by brown shirts.
c) He has started a civil war in Iraq
d) Created the biggest %26amp; best terrorist training ground one could possibly imagine in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Bloated the numbers of "terrorist" killed while discounting all of the civilians killed.
e) Taken the sympathy capital of the 9/11 incident and not just thrown it away but in many places around the world America is now feared and hated more than anyone ever was.
f) He has p*ssed %26amp; sh*t on the Bill of Rights and create a new and false title for enemys of the state in which almost anyone who disagress with him may 'disappear'
g) He has tried his best to eliminate free speech creating 'free speach zones' .
Intimidating the press if just not out right silencing them.
h) Created none issues like gay marriage to hide or distract from his real goal of turning the USA into a facist nation.
i) If he is the good christian that you claim he is when did he ever turn the other cheek? How charataible is he? (to serve Christ is to serve the poor) When did he ever help the poor. For that matter for all of his time in office he has NEVER been see in a church of any sort. Execpt to get $ maybe. For all I know he might be the anti-christ. He sure acts like what one would expect from the anti-christ starting wars , torturing people, encouraging torture with rendition etcertera, etcetera , etcetera. He has more than once been seen given people the finger (F*ck You) and the 'Go to H*ll' hand gesture. Hardly Christ like I would think.
It would be all to easy to pick on the many other things he and his very greedy supporter have ruined but I'll continue on with other issues.
j) He is a draft dogger that got his dad to get him in a sweat heart NationaL Guard assignment in a neighoring state (at that time if you joined the National Gaurd it could be in your home state only [proof of residence] then went AWOL went he couldn't pass the drug test.
k) He is a drunkard and a f@g. (Jeff Gannon)
l) The only way he got into college was because of his father and that was marginal with the help of a lot a whole lot of cash.
Even with all of the money and clout of his family he could still only pull off a C average A VERY LOW C average.
Hardly a President Carter top of his class at the Navel accadamy and in nuclear physics or a President Clinton a Rhodes scholar.
Now maybe the way he talks on camera is an act and he is smarter than his vocabulary presents him. That does more to demonstrate how stupid americans are than how stupid he is
(If it is an act he should have been an actor because he's doing a hell of a job at trying to appear high school drop out folksy)
I shouldn't call him stupid , he did get into the white how even if it was with the help of his brother in Florida by denying some to vote and throwing other votes away and out right intimidation among many other tactics , Along with the supreme court who gave him the white house.
Which goes to show how
All of you must have failed junior high school civics class. Maybe you just got a C and that is understandable because the idea of a tie in a presidential election is so rare that to miss one or two questions on what happens in the event of a tie in a presidential election would be easy in junior high school.
This is what is suppose to happen:
If at the end of the count ( NOT A RECOUNT BUT THE INITIAL COUNT ! ) there is no clear winner the House of represenatives will vote on who becomes the next president.
It was not the job of the Supreme court to decide when the count ended or what constituted a count or whos votes counted.
THere was NO clear winner at the end of the count. Not the at the end of the first day not at the end of the first week not at the end of the first month ! It was a tie even if it was so only because of shenanigans by the republican party.
But American schools are such a failure that NO ONE paid any attention to this. I guess that school really aren't meant to educate.
Americans are a bunch of dupes, but I guess that if you are making more money and that is what is most important for you and you are a facist then the current president is the best president there ever was.
Reply:Sorry......one of the worst ever. This administration, which he is fully responsible for, as the president, will go down as one of the most corrupt and ill-intended ever. Maybe Dick Cheney is largely at fault too, but GWB is the President, not Cheney. Too bad for US.
Reply:Can I just say he has a very tough job and I think he is doing ok.
Reply:I can only say that he is the worst president in my lifetime. History tends to cover up the worst aspects of presidents so there may have been worse presidents before I was born. The biggest problem of all is his complete willingness to see our freedoms taken away, slowly but surely. It started of course many years ago but he seems to have accelerated the erosion of our freedoms. I can't believe how much things have changed in my short lifetime. All of the things I can no longer do. But honestly I think Bush is overseeing the beginning of the end for this iteration of the U S. Many years ago father Bush let something very significant slip out, he said something about a New World Order. Think about that and about how all of these people have been connected for all these years, including people outside of this country.
Reply:Since you were framing the question as a statement of your love for GW here is my response to your own words.
- He is helping to make it easier for immigrants to get jobs. And helping illegal’s get citizen ship, not just kicking out people who have families and help support our economy. (I'll tell you what I'll give you this one as a freebie, but he better give em minimum wage or its just slave labor)
- He is helping to free and protect the Iraqi people. (Yeah I'm sure the 100,000 civilians in Faluja feel free with open war on the street, Ever hear of Abu Grab-*** or Haditha, and those are just the ones they have to tell us about because the people killed had important enough families)
- He is actively eliminating threats to America (every time you kill an innocent Arab with a family you just made another family of terrorists, plus he is creating all new ones at home by putting his cronies in charge of important tasks, uh Katrina).
- He is against gay marriage. (What do you care if gay people can marry as long as they call it something else, I'm straight and I could care less, but then again I'm also secure in my sexuality)
- He is against murdering helpless babies (Everyone's against murdering helpless babies, but would you rather have a woman make that choice in a back alley?).
- He is a good Christian person. (If he were he would pay more attention to Jesus sermon on the mount rather than just giving religion lip service)
- He is willing to allow our phones to be monitored to protect national security (Nobodies saying you can't monitor the phone of a suspected terrorist, but they are using it on our own citizens with no cause)
These are just the basics, I have many more reasons. (so do I)
Reply:i dont believe he is the best, but i believe that he believe's that he is.
Reply:Beach Bum stole my hat!
President Ronald Regan was the best president in history, President George W. Bush runs a close second.
The only thing I never liked about Bush was he didn't make Clinton and his administration be accountable for the way the defecated the White House and Air Force One prior to leaving office. Clintons thrashed the place, and it costs tax payers a lot to restore the White House. However, before being elected president, George W. Bush was interviewed on Jay Leno's show. Jay asked him what would be the first thing that George would do in the White House should he become president. George replied, 'Disinfect it!"
Reply:Yes george Bush Is The ebst Man For the Job, If Were Talking About Slave Driving And Robbing people of their Homes %26amp; American heritage
Reply:I remember a voice in the background. While George Bush stood atop a demolished car with a blow horn in downtown Manhattan just days after the towers fell killing people i knew. The voice waled, "GO GET'EM GEORGE! GO GET'EM!".
GWB did just that and freedom is on the march and the liberals hate it. I laugh at their erroneous assumptions. Thank the good Lord for GWB
Reply:What Planet do you live on? How in the world could anyone be so blind as to think the emperor has clothes on?
Reply:George Bush is a killer, just like Hitler. He is a Hitler with ¨sport¨ aspect.
G. Bush must be in the jail, just like every common criminal.
G. Bush is the first enemy of USA itself, and the first enemy of the humanity too.
Reply:helping the entire world????????...that's what u wrote? lol........;stop smoking, man!! He messed up the hole world...that's for sure!
Reply:Well, you sure got plenty of garbage answers from the radical left. You said you believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I agree, and wonder exactly what else anyone would call the 450,000 tons of high explosive that were found, some of which the insurgents stole and are still using against our troops as roadside bombs
Is George W. Bush the best president in history? That's doubtful, but he is a decent and honest person. So is Dick Cheney, even if he looks like grandpa and seldom cracks a smile. On the other hand, Bill Clinton smiled a lot, even when he was cheating on his wife and making a bad joke of the office of the president.
Reply:are you joking this sounds like a farce
Reply:I believe that George W. Bush is a great President who is THE MAN and who is AWESOME but it is too early too tell if he is the best President in the History of the United States of America.
Reply:No, he's actually a putzy little puppet, and his strings are being pulled be the richest people throughout the world, and his so-called christian religion is one of the many things that make a pitiful president.
Reply:I believe you have an IQ lower than Bush.
Reply:Fact is he will be written in our children's history books as the second worse president next to Nixon.
Reply:I used to think that too. In 2010 when you wake up one day without knowing that your no longer a sovereign citizen of the United States - then answer that question again.
Who forced him to sign the SPP, allow Nascor, and the North American Free Trade Union? Who forced him to convince a country in a time of false panic to give up their rights - only to make it easier to give up all of your rights later? Who, that I just realized in my own opinion, would make a black woman third in line to the presidency to shield himself and the Vice President from being IMPEACHED FOR TREASON??
Time to do your homework!
Reply:just a note.
Chemical WMD's were found
Reply:You don't know what it's like to be me or anybody else. Republicans, Democrat, christians, anybody but yourself. He does not like homos getting married. That does'nt make him a good prez. or a good christian. Just because somone is a homo, is that a good reason to pass judgment on their want to get married? What if you are a homo? Many don't find out till later on in life. Many homos are a little bit homophobic even when they they realize that they are somthing that they distain. You are young aren't you. If George is so good why doesn't everybody think so? If we let ourselves believe that anybody is above being a human being we are breaking some biblical commandment or somthing.
Reply:You have to be fn kidding
Reply:The best President ever? No. Doing a good job at what you've mentioned, yes. And they DID find WMD not long ago. The mass media doesn't want you to know this because they, like most of the people bashing you right now, are Bush haters. You are right about the stuff democrats use as "evidence" being made up or exaggerated and you put it nicely. Basically, there lies or the popular half-truth. Also, no matter what you do or say or prove, liberals and democrats will never believe it no matter what you say if it is a good thing about Bush. They will, however, believe ANYTHING bad about him.
See what I mean?
Reply:What are you on?
Reply:I think that George is the worst President this Country has ever had in all it's history.
He is getting richer and we are paying Moore at the pumps
Reply:Are you crazy???
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