Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bush puts bible beating ignorants in places of power.?

Saw this on TV last night - and the fact that it didn't shock me is a sign of what is truly wrong. Monica Goodling - the 33 year old that was 3rd in line at the justice dept. and who just resigned IN DISGRACE had received her undergraduate degree at the "prestiged" Messiah College. No - not Harvard, Not yale, not even one of State colleges. Messiah College. A degree from Messiah College should be about as valuable as the toilet paper I wipe my *** with. Is their mascott the fighting Christies? (I stole that line direct from the show - I admit it). OK - so what - maybe she did her posgraduate work at a reputable school. NOPE - not this chick. She went to Pat Robertson's school of Law known as Regent. All you need to do to graduate is read one book - the bible and draw a pirate on the back of a match book (again quoting directly). Funny thing is - you would think maybe one or two of them snuck into the Bush admin - but the 150 he has working for him from there? Unless

Bush puts bible beating ignorants in places of power.?
I wish you were just trying to tell a joke. The truth is just too depressing!
Reply:Ha ha ha. She hired a real lawyer to defend her, classic. Just goes to show you what the Bush Klan really wants, not competence, just Yes-men (and women!).
Reply:Its pathetic isnt it? Yet you will have the righties all up in arms saying he can do whatever he wants. They would literally defend him if they caught him naked in bed with a dead hooker. It is sickening and disturbing the level of loyalty the man has inspired in the weak minded.

Of course he hired 150 graduates he had to pay back the religious right for helping him win the election. I mean its not like he followed through on any promises to them regarding gay marriage or abortion.
Reply:The thing I'm curious about is what vast experience and knowledge you're basing this opinion of yours on. Have you determined that she's ignorant because you're an attorney from one of these so called reputable schools, or are you basing your opinion on some smart-aleky liberal talk show you watched last night because you couldn't find the channel showing Sponge-bob Square-pants?

Do you base your opinion on the validity of her law degree on personal experience and educational background or do you value the toilet paper you mention so highly because most of the time you're reduced to wiping with a corn cob or a Sears Catalog out in your old 2-holer?

Maybe it's just jealousy because you're stuck in some dead-end, minimum-wage job picking boogers off the walls of the men's room at the local trucker's cafe and she's an attorney who's been employed at the seat of power and didn't feel like she wanted to subject herself to yet another liberal diatribe that sounds like a bingo game run by idiots, for idiots, which pretty much describes the democratically-controlled Congress.

Personally, I think you're expressing an opinion that was made for you by others who you envy for their cleverness. You know what they say about opinions, right?
Reply:What's with the hatred and spewing of intolerance?
Reply:Such ignorance is easily influenced and directed. This is why bush 'feathered his nest' with so many of this ilk.
Reply:Way to be a tolerant, open minded, liberal.
Reply:The ignorance, my friend, is yours.
Reply:being bible beaters doesnt make them bible believers !!!
Reply:I watched Real Time too. You forgot about the part where she hired a real lawyer to defend her.
Reply:At least unlike the previous administration, Bush has no one working for him that thinks Carl Marx was right
Reply:They hired EVERY graduate of this school. Makes me sick.

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